
Abstract Guidelines

Abstract Guidelines

  • The contents of abstract should include background, objectives, methods, results and conclusions under these headlines.
  • The title should be in capital and in bold followed by name of authors (with first name first, then middle name followed by family name) and their institutional address along with the email address of the corresponding author. Do not append degrees, professional designations, etc to names.
  • The name of presenting author should be underlined.
  • The abstract should be typed using Microsoft Word (Times New Roman, font size 12 and 1.5 point spacing between lines, limit 250 words).
  • Abbreviations used in the body of an abstract should be defined at their first mention in the text.
  • Abstract should be submitted through website www.nittenamasteconclave2024.com
  • Abstract will be considered for presentation only if the presenting author has registered for the conference.
  • Normally only one paper is allowed per author, unless prior permission of organizers is taken.
  • If an abstract is accepted and the presenter does not register, the abstract will be withdrawn.
  • While submitting an abstract, the participant can choose either oral or poster from the dropdown menu.
  • In case an abstract is not chosen for an oral presentation, it will automatically get included in poster category.
  • The last date for submission of abstract is 17th February, 2024
  • Abstract are invited under following themes:
    • Health Science
    • Environment and Ecology
    • Traditional Fermented Foods & Beverages
    • Food Security
    • Ethnic Health Practices


  • Awards for the best oral and poster presentations (two awards per theme) will be given to the students and faculty members as per NITTE-NAMASTE CONCLAVE 2024 guidelines. Awards will carry cash prize and a certificate.